The Valley of Trouble

This is the painting and poem of the 4th Place of Spiritual Abundance, the Valley of Trouble. The painting and poem have the same title. The place, the Valley of Achor, also known as the Valley of Trouble, is mentioned in the Old Testament. It is not a fictitious place, but it has more spiritual meaning to me than the physical place itself. My painting is symbolic of the real valley and depicts a beautiful, refreshing valley. This is my experience of the work of Jesus Christ in my life. The poem also emphasises this.

Note: There are seven Spiritual Places of Abundance. I have only completed four paintings/poems at this stage. Beneath are the completed spiritual places.

The Plain of Sharon

Mount Carmel

The Cedars of Lebanon.

THE VALLEY OF TROUBLE.(The Fourth Spiritual Place of Abundance)

I came face to face with my offenses 
as Achor did in the Valley of Achan*, 
however, he received no reprieve from the law, 
which required stoning for his misdeeds, 
but I was set free by a man called Jesus. 

For Achan, there was no substitute for his sin; 
no-scapegoat for his transgressions,    
which through their association, also caused the death of his kin. 
To this day, the rocks in Achor cover the families’ remains, 
a grim reminder of the price that was paid. 

Thankfully, my Redeemer has set me free!
Forgiven: My sin deleted in the spiritual valley,  
never again will it condemn me!
By the blood of Christ, I exist in God’s grace and mercy, 
living this life more abundantly. 

Reward follows faith in the King:
redemption, hope, and inexplicable joy! 
Jesus’ blood broke the curse of the law and replaced it with blessing. 
I have moved from death to life, decrease to increase; 
Existing above and not beneath. 

I have departed from the valley of the shadow of death,
resting in green pastures my soul is restored; 
renewed each day by the Spirit and the washing of the Word,
with the promises of God fulfilling my mandate. 
Thank you, Jesus! I have heard! 

*Also known as the Valley of Trouble

The Valley of Achor explained:

©️ Copyright Caroline Street Art/Poetry/Photography.

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