Painted local birds on canvas ‘paper’.

[This post contains 4 images.] I love birds and invite them into my life by attracting them with feeders, bird baths, and plants. My camera is near to hand for pics. I also enjoy painting and writing about birds.

I painted this set of birds in oil on canvas sheets. I would rather paint on stretched canvas but was given an A4 canvas pad, so I gave it a try. The surface is rougher, but surprisingly once I got used to it, it was a pleasing, yet slow experience. The canvas ‘paper’ has a satisfying, substantial feel to it once the paint covers the surface. Due to the heaviness of the canvas and paint combined, the painting lies nice and flat.

Above is the Cape Weaver and the Cape (African) Reed-Warbler. Yellow and brown weavers are keen visitors to my garden and adept at nest building. They are fascinating to watch.

The African Reed-Warbler is found in marshes and reed beds. A cute little bird about the size of a sparrow.

The black flycatcher is stunning when the light reflects off its feathers. I don’t see these birds often, but they are in the vicinity. They are difficult to see in the shade of the trees because of their black colouring.

The orange robin is a great companion when gardening. They love it when flower beds are cleaned, they instinctively know that the bugs will be exposed. This robin was my companion for a morning while I cleared a flower bed and I have a whole gallery of photos of it. The bird did not mind me clicking away. On another occasion I wrote a poem about the robin…

I switched the water on to boil,

looking forward to my favorite brew.

Just then I heard the familiar call, 

‘Think of it!’ coming from

the robin with olive and orange hues.

Excerpt from ‘Think-Of-It’ (2s/6) See below

©Copyright Caroline Street Art/Poetry/Photography

Thank you for your time, and have an inspired day!

15 thoughts on “Painted local birds on canvas ‘paper’.

    1. These are birds from Africa, Kaya. We have a large variety of birds here and they are all beautiful, but then I’m sure you have a good variety of birds where you live, and in some way they are all connected. 😉

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