
I am always drawn to fish and water. The movement, colors, and reflections in ponds and aquariums is fascinating.

I photograph goldfish at every opportunity, but they glide through the water quickly, and more often than not, the photos are a failure. But patience does reap rewards and I might get two or three good pics in a batch of photographs.

The poem beneath is an abstract description of my thoughts.


gold dives black depths
surfaces on the crest
breathes through the swell

sun trips on Prussian blue
mirrored green metallic sun
jagged rainbow ripples

swishing tail and fin propel
water hue light swirl
expressed in spheres of wavelets

energy versus light agitated
vivid ceaseless abstract
tranquility realized only in depth

Copyright ©️ Caroline Street Art/Poetry/Photography

Thank you for your interest. Have an inspired day! 🐟🐡🐠

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