Stinky Starfish Flower Cactus

[This post features 11 images] STARFISH CACTUS (Stapelia grandiflora) is fascinating, not only because it is unusual as a land flower, but it emits the smell of carrion. This is not a carnivorous plant, but the stinky succulent has a powerful influence over insects drawn to the smell of carrion. The insects are transfixed by the smell and spend time pollinating the flowers. Nature is wonderful!

Starfish Cactus are actually succulents and native to South Africa. I found these in Limpopo, South Africa, where the summer temperature reaches over 40 degrees Celsius. The expansive garden had a wide range of cacti and succulents, perfect for an environment that for long periods does not receive regular rainfall. I was thrilled to see these flowers and I might add, that I did not notice the smell, possibly because the flowers had not ripened yet.

I would plant these large, generous, flowers in my garden as they have fascinating shapes, textures, and colors, furthermore, they could detract the pesky summer flies!

©️ Copyright Caroline Street Art/Poetry/Photography

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